Freelensing… Tilt-Shift without a Tilt-Shift

Today I found out about a destructive photographic technique called ‘freelensing’. You basically take shots while holding the lens against the camera body – detached. You can adjust the focal plane by moving the detached lens around manually in various directions – giving you tilt-shift style images. It’s also a great way to get dirt and dust on your sensor.

You can imagine how many photographers would cringe by just the thought of having to expose the camera’s sensor to the elements for even a second, let alone during a whole freelensing shoot. Taking interesting shots isn’t without it’s risks though. If you love tilt-shifts’ shallow depth of field, its buttery bokeh and light leaks, you’ll pretty much enjoy messing around with this technique. Lucky me though, I got a few DSLR’s I wouldn’t mind experimenting with.

Also, there’s a flickr group dedicated to this technique that already has around 3 thousand members and growing.

For those not willing to take the risk, there’s always a safer alternative – a lensbaby. It’s a pretty cheap setup too considering how much a tilt-shift lens costs.

Photos via Flickr.