
  • Secrets to A High Converting Landing Page

    No amount of marketing ads, promos, or contests is going to mean anything if you send all that hard earned traffic to a confusing webpage. If you’re losing the message linking that awesome ad you created to a crappy landing page, all you’ll end up with is an abandoned lead and a lost sale. If […]

  • How can your company benefit from CRO

    What Is Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)? If you advertise online and want to increase your profits you either have to substantially increase the amount of visitors coming to your site, or you can get the most out of your visitors. The main focus of Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is the latter. This involves analyzing your […]

  • Why it’s now crucial for your site to be responsive

    Mobile search volume is starting to overtake desktop search, and Google has publicly made a statement with its intent to make mobile friendly website standout by adding a little tag next to mobile-optimized results when you search from your Smartphone. Google will also change page ranking based on if the website is mobile-friendly or not. […]

  • #FreeFontFridays – Part 5

    Marty McFly once said: “Doc, I’m from the future. I came here in a time machine that you invented. Now I need your help to get back to the year 1985.”