Secrets to A High Converting Landing Page

No amount of marketing ads, promos, or contests is going to mean anything if you send all that hard earned traffic to a confusing webpage. If you’re losing the message linking that awesome ad you created to a crappy landing page, all you’ll end up with is an abandoned lead and a lost sale.

If you advertise online you need to put as much focus on the landing page as you do the advertisement, no excuses. It is so important that the landing page targets the specific intent and content of your ads.

So what are the secrets?

There are 7 main elements to consider when designing your landing page.

  1. A clear and concise headline with a unique value proposition The intro to your product or service should explain its benefit and match the message that you promised in your ad.
  2. Image or video showing context Show off your product or service. Be Proud! If people see images or video of your solution being used it will be more relatable and get you more sales, guaranteed!
  3. Core benefit statement(s) How will your product or service help people? People don’t like reading a wall of text and features is meaningless without a benefit. So keep your main points short and in bullet form and focused on how the user will benefit.
  4. Requesting data in exchange for a fair valued item Every marketer wants one thing above all else, email addresses. By matching the quantity of the data you’re requesting for with the size of the prize people will feel like they’re getting something of value when they give you their personal data.
  5. A strong call to action (CTA) Your CTA should use visual design principles of persuasion to stand out on the page. Its purpose shouldn’t be questioned. A strong CTA doesn’t just use visual design, what it says is especially important for conversions.
  6. TIP!

    Use the CTA to describe exactly what will happen next. Instead of saying “Submit” it should say “Download Now” – that difference gives people confidence that they’re making a good click. When you’re creating your CTA ask yourself this “When clicking this button I will/want…?”

  7. Trust elements No one would give money to a someone they don’t trust. There are a few items you can use to increase the trust of your landing page:
    • Testimonials They need to be authentic. Even better if you have a video testimonial. Ask your customers, I bet they won’t mind and are willing to help.
    • Endorsements Show the logos of media placements or high profile customers.
    • Social Media Comments A live preview of people complimenting you on social media.
    • Partnerships This can give instant trust if the person if familiar with your partners brand.
    • Certificates/Awards These prove that you’ve have knowledge and experience.
  8. Post-conversion Conversions Take advantage of those warm leads. Use the opportunity on the confirmation page of your cart or lead generated page to ask for something like a follow or newsletter subscription.

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